Friday, 29 November 2019


I have a mirror link, I'll update it soon. Snipers are also learning how to sniper a bit better, well at least they're now pointing in the right direction. S Upon seeing a friendly being killed snipers will try to find a good sniper point to attack other snipers or MGs tf2: I have now added a dedicated "waypoints" page, since I got my uploads to work correctly. Take cover when someone yells "take cover! rcbot tf2

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Also added some variables to the config command for forcing bots onto a team in the specialists mod. It basically uses the debug engine which can only be used on listen server, also it uses the buttons and 0 on the tff2, so it changes some binds, as long as you use those gcbot selecting weapons already you shouldn't have a problem. Waypoint visibility files reduced in size changed: Hi guys since the birth of my baby girl I thought I should just release this now as I might not have a lot of time these days to update so frequently.

If you have time on Steam, check out the RCBot steam commmunity at: I have updated the source and binaries "preview" which you can download from the usual location at http: The site that hosts this site is closing and that means a lot of things need to be moved, by saturday the new domain will be http: The latest version includes metamod and an installer to automatically install metamod source and RCBOT2 into your mods.

Forum New Users - Email Validation: You have to be registered and logged in with this site to submit any waypoints. Some downloads are still broken example the source download. Update 05 May version 0.

RCBot Main Page

Rcbot2 for TF2 alpha test: Download Now Version 0. Attempts to heal players that shout "medic!

Carry out complicated objectives. Lots of MVM improvements mvm map must have flag waypoint near enemy bot spawn and capture point at defend point tf2: I have started re-wrting a lot of the RCBot for Natural-Selection from scratch, it should turn out to be pretty slick These are just some things I have got lined up for the new re-written bot once it is ready for your information!

New movement code, bots can target onto enemies while moving along their path. GA learning of combat upgrades for both teams fixed: I have also fixed issues which caused Marines not to respond to orders, bots not shooting anymore and Menu's not working.

I will release another version soon with additions to the bot to work with ns combat maps with a little help from flayra!

Rocket Crowbot Homepage

Waypoints made in this version won't work in older versions! Bots rcboy want health if they are on fire Download here. Here is the list.

rcbot tf2

And maybe a release for marines only If i get them to work better at attacking enemies and a bit more tactically this time. Sorry for taking so long i underwent heart surgery that I wanted done and needed a good rest.

rcbot tf2

Do long jumps using crouch-jump waypoint -: Fixed slow heavy guy when revving mini gun tf2: You can finally add your own waypoints and remove them. You'll need to download the linux files again if you did earlier to fix it.

RCBot for Half-Life

The files needed to run the bot on linux are now on the Files page. TF2 Oct Fix: Bug in pathfinding algorithm, causing long loops. Small bug where NS alien bots might try to drop their leap weapon before attacking which they rccbot do causing them not to shoot. Use approriate door buttons -: Another thing is that I will probably release the source fot the bot too.

rcbot tf2

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