Tuesday, 26 November 2019


It offers a tethered jailbreak on iOS 6. Done it twice now with a reboot in between attempts. Downloading a jailbreak software from such sites will test your patience, you would end-up filling shitty surveys. You may also need Microsoft. The popular websites reporting jailbreak usually re-directs visitors to third-party pages where the developers upload new software releases. redsn0w 09.6 b6

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November 30, at 7: July 29, at 4: I had the same problem with.

Also tried it on i mac but the same problem persists. Download Latest iOS jailbreak tools in Redsn0w alternatives G6 cannot be utilized to exercise a jailbreak if you have an iPhone released after the 4S.

Hey the way i got it to work for me was to start up redsn0w then go to task manager and processors, then right click Redsn0w and click redsm0w affinity or somthing then have CPU 1 checked only. January 31, at 6: As ofthe latest version of Redsn0w is 0.

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November 30, at Update to stock iOS 4. This version of Redsn0w when used in combination with Ultrasn0w from Cydia helps to unlock and activate an iPhone stuck with SIM not compatible or un-supported carrier message.

December 4, at 2: Itunes tells me that is isert does not redsn0q carrier and i tried many simcards and the iPhone 3g 16GB is not activated. January 7, at 1: November 29, at 8: Ran it in xp mode first time it did not work then selected run as adnmin and that solved the crash.

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Do you have to be on the latest itunes? March 23, at 4: I click it and it starts to load but stops immediate.

May 14, at 6: It tells me to download attachment. Well i had the same proble….

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February 10, at 3: November 28, at 8: If your device is running a lower build, please download the new IPSW file if a jailbreak is feasibleupgrade via n6 and then run the Redsn0w app.

November 28, at 9: Apple fixes all the new jailbreak methods in subsequent iOS updates. While running Redsn0w 0.

redsn0w 09.6 b6

February 5, at 2: August 22, at 1: Jonathan you are briliant, I could get redssn0w of this problem but now I have another one when my iphone start to jailbreak it will stuck for a while in basband flashing then goes to apple logo forever: June 20, at 1: I have a 3GS on firmware 4. With this website, we aim to improve your jailbreak experience a little safer by providing the right tools.

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Now the iphone 3gs 4. April 10, at 6:

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