Monday, 18 November 2019


The appearance of these motifs in these monuments has a religious content. After World War II, the emergence of new national identities occurred, whereupon new orthodox churches appeared, such as the Macedonian Orthodox Church. Before assimilation happened, the destruction of this national geography occurred. This paper will bring some data about the administrative territorial division of the region as well as the census carried out by the Serb, Bulgarian and later the Austro-Hungarian reigns. Up to the beginning of the 20th century the peasantry constituted the largest part of the Rekan population. In fact, it is about the cult of son, or its cyclic trajectory and the cult of Great Mother Magna Mater. The increase of the number of participants in these classes was a product of teacher Anastas, since he knew how to convince the Albanians, especially those who had messed up religion and nation. lumturie tahiri zemra ime

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lumturie tahiri zemra ime

Biba 32 90 We will attempt to throw some light on an inscription with Cyrillic alphabet on a gravestone of the year The clothes of Reka that are characterized in the first place with their genuineness, as heritage from the past, with a very rare variety that can hardly ever be seen in other Albanian ethnographic regions, as part of the poetics of the popular verse, has authentic ethnic and artistic values.

The studying of this work will be of great historical importance for the region of Karshiaka and for ethnographic studies of Albanians in Macedonia and beyond.

Lumturie tahiri zemra ime

Taking into account the conditions and circumstances of the Albanian society, we can see that the abandonment of the homeland has not been purely voluntary action, but rather a forced exodus dictated by many other factors, turning migration into a real social drama; one whose main actors have been the members of Albanian families.

Most probably they have to deal with the three most important positions of the sun, such as sunrise, midday and sunset. The houses in Reka, seen from the architectural viewpoint, are of the old Albanian style zmra towers mountain houses zfmra, built in rows and divided in neighborhoods.

Merki, antropomorfnost i modularni proporcii kaj starata makedonska kukja. Before the First Balkan War, tahirj region of Reka had Muslim Albanian houses and Orthodox ones, with a total of 8, inhabitants. The Albanian Golgotha reached its peak with the devastation of the economy of Albanian regions, as is the case with Upper Reka. Morphophonological modifications in this dialect, i. The members of the close family cry and this is how they express their remorse and sympathy about the passed away.

The Rekans are rebellious, they took part in the establishment of the Prizren League, whereas in Debar they were part of the decision-making on the formation of the first Albanian government.

Upper Reka businessmens are successful regardless of where they live and operate. All of his activities were spread over a period of 55 years. Grakaj 25 14 If Macedonian Albanians have been more limited when it comes to their rights to education and others, this cannot be said for those living in Albania and Kosovo, or the Diaspora, and yet they never raised their voice against all of these sufferings and oppression.

Zhuzhne, Bibaj e Greka. This movement of its, has not been expressed lumturje much in its formal way, but rather in its functional way.

In the paper, we will also tahifi suggestions for a new chance of the economic revitalization and development of these areas. First, his activities in the educational-cultural aspect included a series of measures that were supposed to be undertaken by the respective state institutions.

Foto 1 dhe Foto 2. The ethnic composition and population figures, war casualties, assimilation methods of Serbian invaders, and other issues will be presented in this paper.

lumturie tahiri zemra ime

National unification and liberation, says the author, is the main axis of the National Movement. Results are often inconsistent, even though a large portion of empirical resources has identified negative relation between natural resources and economic growth and development. Economists and policy- makers have started again to pay special attention to the alternative tourism, and this time not only verbally but with concrete plans and projects.

On the other hand, it has also developed some specific elements that can be hard to be found in other dialects around. It is therefore the aim of this paper to oppose the Serb-Macedonian propaganda with all the existing facts, which confirm the centennial autochthony of the Albanian being in the region of Upper Reka.

The odyssey of socio-political developments has made the former to change their national identity, i. Zyber Bakiu, Logos A, Shkup,f. Upper Reka, Josif Bageri, national awakening, independent Albanian state. Therefore, it is about clothes with regional characteristics but with a national content and structure.

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As it seems, they have kept the pride of their national belonging somewhere deep in their souls and have patiently waited till the day when they could freely release their enslaved songs, Migjeni would say.

They are normally celebrated by Chrsitians, both Catholic and Orthodox. How are they treated by the Slavic scientists and scholars?

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